So, it's been a while since I've been back to the Catholic church, I had been bouncing around a lot, but I went today and it was exactly what I needed. I need a liturgy in my service. I need readings from the bible and not simply and passage and looking at it for a bit. I need the songs that I sung today. I need communion every week and not simply once a month. I need that atmosphere to truly worship in the way that I feel that I can best glorify God through. It was wonderful, refreshing, beautiful, and moving. It was worship. I still don't know how I feel about some of the finer points, some of the doctrine, of the church. But I do know that the main things are right and that I can truely worship and praise God there, so I think that I'm going to be going there for a little while. I also want to crack open my catechism and bible and really find out what I believe about some of the finer points of the church. I'm excited about my faith. It's refreshing.
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