Monday, January 09, 2006

First Day of School

I feel like I need a killer backpack that has the Cubs on it or something cool like that with a matching lunchbox to boot. Well, I am excited and this will be my first semester as an economics major. I have high hopes and expectations for this coming semester, nothing but good vibes. Waking up early, (i.e. before the alarm), this morning was a great way to start things and hopefully it'll be all good from here. This is my most busy day of the week, so I'll have the proverbial, "It's all downhill from here" after the day is out. I have a night class from 7 to 9:30 so we'll see how that goes, but I don't mind it too much so that's good. My room is probably cleaner than it has been all year, with plans to make it cleaner. The word of the day is apprehension.

Currently reading... TLTWTW
Currently listening to... Camera Obscura's Underachievers Please Try Harder
(And yes I get the irony of listening to this on the first day of classes.)


Blogger Dan said...

yes... yes, I would...

12:22 PM  

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