Monday, October 10, 2005

I Love Friends

So... here's the scoop. Katie Hammar is in town from this past weekend til this coming Tuesday sometime. But, I just found out today. Grumble. But, I was over at HTC and guess who stops by.... If you guessed Ms. Hammar give yourself one pat on the back... no more than one, cause it was easy. Anyways, we end up having just a great long conversation about life and it was sooo refreshing. So thank you Katie, you brightened my day and life.

In other news Jonnie is coming up this tomorrow... or I guess today either way I'm pumped. I'm loving my friends so much right now. Lots of reminising tonight. I also want to make a "power trip" through the lower peninsula and maybe into Ohio to see people this Thanksgiving break. We'll see if it works out.

I love life.

Currently Listening to... Bad Reputation by Death Cab for Cutie
Currently Reading... Orthodoxy by G.K. Chesterton


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