Thursday, February 08, 2007

Business Analyst

Oh man....

As crazy as it seems I think that I finally found out what I want to do for my first job out of college. The answer is in the title... business analyst. So, I was busy scouring the net for a job, any job. In other words I'm sick of not having one. Then I came across a posting for a business analyst position for a gas company in Hotlanta and I thought, "I could totally do this!" And as such I have finally found a way to narrow down what I want to do. I'm actually going to find a job now. I'm, yet again, TomCruisePumpedtm. Even if I don't work for this company that I found, I know what I'm going to do for my first job now and that has me excited.

Rachel is coming on in to town tomorrow as well; another thing for me to be TomCruisePumpedtm about.

I'm turning 25 on this Saturday. This will be one of the last significant birthdays that I will have. 25 just seems like it's the beginning of adulthood. The beginning of being old. The beginning of the end? Not really that one, but it's fun to say to old people. I'm out of college. It's time to live. I couldn't be happier.

Now Reading... World War Z

Now Listening to... Tom Waits - Orphans: Brawlers, Bawlers, and Bastards (it's amazing)

P.S. if you are looking for an enjoyable novel I highly recommend Diane Setterfield's - The Thirteenth Tale. An excellent story all around.


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