Friday, February 02, 2007


So I did one awesome thing today... and that's watch the movie Groundhog's Day. It's just as good as I ever remember it being.

I needed to get out of the house so I headed on down to where I am now, Beaners. MMMmm... coffee. I never thought that I would see the day where I would say that, but as a few of you know I've made it my goal to start to drink coffee. And after a half a year, I've totally got this taste acquired. *Backs up to the beginning of the day* So, I spent a good portion of this morning just surfing around and looking for a job and the one thing that I have a hard time decifering is which of the fifty-million jobs out there are decent and worth persuing. That's the hardest part for me right now. I'm feeling better about it now.. i.e. not as anxious to just have a job. Which is good. I really just don't want to take the first thing that I'm offered. (Which I didn't).

So I also got this great idea. Using the magic of bittorrent I'm now downloading audiobooks to listen to while I'm doing dealer trades for my dad. I did one the other day and was listening to Diane Setterfield's The Thirteenth Tale. Here's the thing that I find interesting about audiobooks in my albeit short experiences so far. It takes a little bit to get accostomed to hearing a book. You know how some books take a little bit to get into, well now you have that combined with getting into a frame of mind to listen. It can be work sometimes. You have to pay attention, (at least I do), because you can lose track of what is happening easily. In this respect it is much like reading as well, because I'm sure I'm not the only one who gets into a reading mode in which all of a sudden you realize that you really haven't taken in anything for the last few pages and have to back up. The similarities are actually vast yet with slight differences. As for the book itself. I'm four cd's in and it's good. Very engrossing. So far it gets a thumbs up.

Currently Listening to... Silversun Pickups - Carnavas
Rival Schools - United by Fate (Thank you Patrick)

Currently Reading... World War Z
(audiobook) The Thirteenth Tale - Diane Setterfield

Oh and also, spring is right around the corner! The bitter cold tells lies!


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