Thursday, September 14, 2006

I'm Just Going to Let This One Speak For Itself...


Anonymous Anonymous said...


6:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i really don't know *what* to think about a lot of things anymore. i *can* say i don't feel terribly safe as a nation. personally, i feel fine, however. if there one were to simplify it all into two "sides" within our nation, it seems like the battle ready side is scared, and the other "side", those who would criticize the battle readies, have got no plausible solution. i've been getting a sense over the past... year, maybe... that the president and his coalition aren't so certain we're gonna come out on top of this thing.

6:48 PM  
Blogger CallOfTheJourney said...

He just wants to "reassure the American people", huh? Because he did such a great job of that there...

12:33 PM  

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