Monday, February 12, 2007

Up, Up, and Away

So as a spur of the moment decision, I'm taking a little vacation in Grand Rapids. One semi-unexpected benefit of this is that I'm really not wasting the mass amounts of time that I have in the day. Since I know virtually no one here, I have the entire day to devote to looking for a job and all of the other things that I'm not, but should be doing.

It's snowing here, it reminds me of those lazy Tech days when I would sit down and just watch the snow come lightly down. It's one of those snows that I love. It's not blustery or coming down hard. It just exists. I wouldn't even say that the snow is falling, it seems to harsh. There is simply snow in the air and fluttering this way and that, but mainly it is moving steadily, slowly, downward with a new flake to take it's place as each descends. There is simply snow in the air, and I love it.

The bitter cold has broken and while I hear from some people that it will return shortly, I am happy about this spell and will savor every moment of it.

I'm in the coffee shop again. I love sitting down, drinking and thinking. About nothing. Nothing in particular at least. And writing. I would like to be writing more, I would always like to be writing more. A stark contrast to my youth. Writing was always an arduous task for me. Something a dreaded in my youth. Something that did not come easily to me. So many things came easily to me; I had little to no roadblocks in whatever I did. It's hard to say now that I wish I did have those roadblocks. But I almost do. If there were more present in my life would I have buckled? Would I have persevered? That I didn't seems almost unfair, that I was intrinsically inclined to excel at almost all I undertook. Why was I blessed with so much while others were to struggle through. Not that I am that full of myself that I think I am great at nearly everything I have done, mind you. I have been soft because of this. In the beginning of college I did little to no work, and I received A's. Again everything came so easily. When things finally decided to become harder, I learned that I could not simply put forth zero effort anymore. It was a shock to the system. I failed classes because I didn't attend them or do any work for them. I buckled. I saw something difficult and decided it would be easier to do nothing at all. However, I have bounced back since then. I have rediscovered a love of learning. A love of things that do not come easily for me. I'm reveling in it. I want to accomplish great things. If I am greatly gifted in something I want to pursue it further, not simply stop when I believe that it is becoming difficult. I believe that I am capable of great things. But back to where this began... writing. I've developed a desire to write. I love it. It's cathartic. It's different. I think that it has helped me to gain perspective on myself and life. And no matter if I am not a good writer, it is rewarding.

My goal for this week is to apply for a decent number of jobs. No set total. Just an amount that makes me feel comfortable, that makes me feel as if I put forth a good effort and made headway.

I'm happy, relaxed, and really feeling good about life. It's nice.

Currently Listening to... A Tribe Called Quest - Beats, Rhymes, and Life

Currently Reading... World War Z


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