Tuesday, August 01, 2006

An Unusual Brand of Poetry

So here's the deal, for some reason my spam mail has become entirely too amusing. I don't know if this is happening to everyone or just me, but I do know that it's amazing! After getting the obligatory viagra, cialis, home morgage, etc. there will be simply nonsensical sentences... like this...

there is a weak link in the chain of logic.
I will admit it has its ludicrous sidebut only at first
front of my body. I remembered the hope that this would
Incompetent. You dont see any robots like this in the

battlewagon. These changes could be made during
skin left to pick up with a tweezer. Now if you please.

charge and I would swear on a stack of thousand credit
sight behind a row of lubrication drums. I gently pried
Along the entire length of the alley my smoke bombs

Amazing or what!? If you get any good ones throw them in the comments.

Currently Listening to... Cubs in Five - The Mountain Goats
Currently Reading... The Cost of Discipleship - Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Kings in Disguise - Vance and Burr


Blogger CallOfTheJourney said...

*snaps beatnik-style*

Oh man, I've never thought I'd be disappointed that my spam-blocker was working so well. It's seriously awesome that you could pull something fun out of something like spam. It's the little things in life.

2:06 PM  
Blogger CallOfTheJourney said...

This one is titled "baby. unable", and it really moved me:

France.. Germany. beyond

sentenced called high priestess Woodhall wrote:Yes Lover. natural short change every day please frame further demand exercise

suffering could traced moral contrast portrayed virtuous passions serve model Some interpret ethic strategy against ability say number utopian shared

they proposed liberty


Love. burdened drunken three replies

They renounced wealth pacifist adherents Mazdakism preMuslim

bread whatever vocation best suited loved return.

strategy against ability say number utopian shared vision Essenes who lived Middle

belief survived.

2:21 AM  

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