Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Well as most of you have undoubtedly read here Rachel and I have broken up. Hopefully time apart will give both of us some needed clarity in our lives. I can't say that it doesn't hurt because that would make me a liar, but I can say that I am hopeful for our future as friends for now and I still hope that sometime down the road we will be together. I glad for everything that we've gone through and everything that we will continue to go through in a different context.

Ask anything you want as I'm definitely willing to answer any and all questions.

Currently Listening to... Jose Gonzalez - Heartbeats

Currently Reading... The Cost of Discipleship - Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Kings in Disguise - James Vance and Dan Burr


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm honestly sorry to hear the news. cruddy spots in relationships are just... cruddy. but i guess that goes without saying. i guess i really don't have anything profound to say.

on the upside of down, the 50 hits collection is quite likeable in my book. thanks for posting.

9:12 PM  
Blogger CallOfTheJourney said...

Sorry about the relationship, that's really rough. Another friend of mine was just in a breakup yesterday, so maybe it's just something in the air... :-/ Stay strong man, it's great that you're staying friends, that's the way it should be.

10:47 PM  

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