Sunday, August 06, 2006


Something crazy happened this summer... I got better at guitar. Not good... we won't go that far yet, but maybe mediocre. Not only that, but I can sing mediocrely at the same time... So now that I'm passable doing both at the same time, I have to figure out if I want to play both at Campus Crusades meetings. Before I just sang, and we did lose a guitarist to the air force academy. So instead of just singing maybe I'll do both... but I'm not sure yet. I am however very pleased with my progress.

I finally finished the Bonhoeffer book... wow did that take forever. But I'm glad that I stuck it out to the end, I don't want to form a habit of dropping books when I feel like it... also my favorite parts of the book were in the end. Either way I'll describe it like this... it was arduous. Now on to, hopefully, an accelerated reading schedule.

Well it's three in the morning and church is at 9:30 so I'm off to bed.

Currently Listening to... Xiu Xiu - I Luv the Valley, (Oh!)
Currently Reading... Vance and Burr - Kings in Disguise


Anonymous Anonymous said...

back to school, eh? yippy-kai-diddle, i say. i read this and it made me think of you (that sounds so mushy, but it's not):

what kind of stuff are you playing nowadays?

9:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

grrr.... blogger comments cutting me off... try this comic!

9:22 PM  
Blogger Emily said...

You have to start school soon don't you? I'm sorry. You should come visit me in Zambia when your done. We don't really have any book stores but we do have a pretty sweet library at the PC house. Also there alot of things to climb and other fun things that can be mildly mischievious. Long story short, I miss you and I wish I could hear from you and get the latest greatest music. If you haven't heard this song I think that you should listen to it post haste--Daniel Johnston (I think its called) Don't let the sun go down on your grievience. Its like Ted Leo remake of since you've been gone for the PC vol's in Central province. It's catchy :)

Hope your doing well, fight the power!

9:02 AM  

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