Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Another week, another update

Ahh life. Where to start... So, I sent out an email to go see Brokeback Mountain to the Crusade list last night. In all actuallity I sent it to the list because I thought that there may in fact be someone who would like to see the movie and since we were going... you get the picture. Secondly, I guess I like to rile people up. Like Tim, for instance. I told everyone to email him to go and see it. Mainly I just wanted to flood his inbox. Anyways, I thought that since I didn't want people to take it too seriously that I would put the trailer for Brokeback to the Future at the end. Now that's a movie I'd go and see.

Jonny is now engaged to Jacki. I hope they have mutant babies that not even a mother could love.

Two exams are in the books and I did well on both. I got a 95 on my Environmental and Natural Resource Economics exam and a 96 on my Industrial Organization Economics class. Woo Hoo! That's a big load off of my chest as I have to do well this semester.

I'm still crusing on my book kick and just about done with the Last Battle. Sometime soon I'll do a recap of what I have read so far this year. What should I read next? I'm thinking of reading On the Road by Kerowac (sp?) but I'm not too sure.

Currently Listening to... Jenny Lewis and the Watson Twins - Rabbit Furcoat
Currently Reading... The Last Battle by C.S. Lewis


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