Monday, February 13, 2006

Keep on truckin'

I'm dying. No more late night hot tub for me. I'm pretty sure that it is getting me sick. I've got a dry/sore throat, and some messed up sinuses. So while it is good for the back, it's severely depleting my health. Maybe I'll trade it in for a sauna in the dorms every once in a while.

Carnival was fun. It was nice to see Steve and Rachel again. Even though it was for but a little over a day. The statues looked really phenominal and what they can do with ice just keeps getting better and better each year. I took pretty much this entire Carnival off from all of the various events going on and that was nice. I think that I would probably have died if I hadn't. But overall, Carnie was pleasant.

I'm really starting to build some good friendships up this year. In particular with Tim, Chris, and Kurt. It's really nice to be building up these friendships as I was wondering what I would do with myself this year now that practically everyone I was good friends with is gone.

The book plan is going well. So far I've gone through the entire Chronicles of Narnia and Black Hole, (a graphic novel). I've been getting a lot of recomendations from a lot of people so I have to start up a list so I don't forget them. I think I already have another 3 books in my possession that are currently in que. I'm really excited about getting back into the swing of reading.

Unfortunately, this Carnival was not as productive on the homework end of things. I thought that I might be able to get some of it done at work tonight, as Sunday nights are usually fairly slow. But, of course, we ended up being busy tonight and that plan didn't go as well as I would have hoped. Though I did start on my take home exam and it seems to be fairly easy, so on that front I am pleased. In addition to finishing that up, I have to write an outline for a paper that I'm doing on the economic and environmental impact of coal usage in China today. I think that it's going to be pretty fun to research and weigh the pros and cons of using coal to stimulate their growth and that it will be a challenging and rewarding paper. I also have a quick homework assignment to finish up for that class. And... I have a paper that I believe is due on wednesday for industrial economics. So, in other words, I have my work cut out for me. Especially tonight.

Well I guess that's enough for one night. Wish me luck on the homework tonight!

Currently listening to... Eisley - Room Noises
Currently Reading... Jack Kerouac - On the Road


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