Friday, December 29, 2006


Christmas, (much like school), has come and gone. Now I know what you are all thinking, what did he get present-wise. Don’t worry, I’ll let you know.

From the Parents / Santa, (two entirely different entities that for some reason I’m grouping together):

An amplifier, an electric guitar (as seen below, only with a blue pickguard instead),

and a harmonica

From James:

How to Survive a Robot Uprising

From Matt:

An awesome Sufjan silk-screened poster

From Mike:

Still pending, he had bought me an excellent cd, but I already had it

From Chester:

World War Z!

I wish I had money for gifts, but as of now, I’m a practically broke unemployed Michigan Tech Graduate. Hopefully that will be remedied in a couple of weeks! I don’t really know where I’m going to work yet, but I’m not too worried about finding work, maybe I should be, but I’m really not. I’m going to look in the Chicagoland and Grand Rapids areas, and apply to Cat. I’d like to stay in the Chicagoland area but the job that I like most will probably decide where I end up, and I’m trying to stay as impartial as possible with the location. Wish me luck in the job hunt!

Currently Listening to… Ted Leo + Pharmacists – Shake the Sheets, (go to the audio section for free songs!)

Currently Reading… G.K. Chesterton – Orthodoxy (maybe this will pick up now that I’m an unemployed gradutate!)