Tuesday, November 15, 2005

What to do?

So, here's the dillema. I know I don't want to do engineering. But what to do in it's place? Here are the options: Marketing or Economics. I'm 33 credits away from Marketing and 24 away from Economics. I know it's crazy that I'm that close to both but I'm also nuts for switching this late so let's ignore that part. An Economics degree is more respected in the academics field where Marketing is well... Marketing. Now my Business advisor says that with the Economics degree I will probably be able to compete with Marketing majors for the job that I want. And frankly I know how to sell myself. But, on the other hand, Marketing is closer to the job that I want when I'm done... or at least the job I think I want. Sigh, I wish I knew what I wanted.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

So Much is New!!!

So... I lied in bed unable to sleep racking my brain over and over about my future no matter how hard I tried not to. This resulted in my not getting to sleep until approximately 7:00 am. I do not suggest this to anyone. But I wake up to all kinds of good news. First that I have another patent coming through and probably one more after that. And also that my friend Kristin is coming up today! It was just an impulse visit and she is coming up with her friend Janelle that I have yet to meet, but I will apparently like, (dang I've said apparently a lot lately). Not to mention that I have every night this weekend off. Talk about good timing. Well, that's what I've got. Just thought that I'd share.

Currently Listening... Nickel Creek - Toxic (Britney Spears cover)
Currently Reading... Orthodoxy by G.K. Chesterton

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Life is Like This Blog

And the reason that I say that is that I haven't been on top of things like I'd like to be for the last month...(checks updates...yeah about a month). But that's the past and this is now. So instead of bemoaning my situation I'll regal you with my latest failure.

So hopping in the wayback machine we bring ourselves to last Saturday. I may or may not have had entirely too much to drink. Or I may have... Either way, Tim's girlfriend was up so I went out with them, Jake, and a few others, eventually meeting up with Steve, Andy, and Amy along the way. Started out at the KBC and hung out there for about an hour (2). Hopped down to the Lights but it was crowded so we figured we'd mosey along (0). Made it to the dog where I saw Eric who was in town that weekend, (we did blue key together). Had a few there (4) and then headed to the DT. Where it went downhill in a hurry with shots and drinks abounding (?). Anyways the moral of the story as always is, I'm an idiot. Only a little more so this time, as I blacked out for the first time. I have a few sporadic memories here and there like talking to Rachel, no idea about what and falling out of my bed at night. And the night did eventually end.

Then I wake up the next morning, sore knee from falling out of the bed and landing on a can of chill and all. I hop on down and see a non-eaten bowl of beefaroni that I don't remember making and an angry message from Rachel on my answering machine. Oh crap. I call her back and find out that I really don't remember what happened post DT last night. I apparently answered a call from her and was really excited to talk to her and told her I'd call her back so she doesn't waste phone card minutes. I apparently forgot to do so. I apparently forgot she even called. Apparently when she called back I was still excited to talk to her but too incoherent to remember that I already did and that I could not really form a cognizant sentence to her. I apparently was slurring my words and told her "I'm gonna make some sghetti....". Sure enough I made me some "sghetti" and didn't eat it. I don't know if I talk to any one on the way to the kitchenette or how I made that "sghetti" but it was there in the morning so I must have. Argh.....

I guess it's kinda nice in that it was a wake up call, but still I'd rather not fall on my face to wake up. Sigh. Well I'm back up so you can expect more frequent updates.

Currently listening to..... nothing my stereo done broke!
Currently reading... G.K. Chesterton's Orthodoxy