Monday, February 27, 2006

One week...

That's all that's left till I bust out of this joint for Grand Rapids, the problem is that I don't have a ride. I should get on that.

The broomball update is that we won the All-Wads title, but lost to the eventual champs in the semis.

QC is crazy good right now. I'll say no more, just go read it all. Questionable Content

I've recieved three of the five cds that I ordered last week, and already Page France is one of my favorite bands. I think I'll do a longer post on them sometime soon so I won't go to in depth now, but suffice to say that they are incredible. Page France's Myspace Plus I've got a couple EP's of theirs that should be in this week.

My paper and Exam last week went well, I got a 92 on the exam and a perfect score on my paper. I think that it's safe to say that I'm back on the @#$%*ing ball!!!

I finished On the Road last week. As I said before, it did inspire me to seek out music from that time. But as for the book itself, I'd say I was disappointed. I don't know. It was well written. I enjoyed reading it. It guess it just didn't live up to the hype.

Steve's in town and I haven't had a whole lot of a chance to hang out with him yet. The last couple of nights I've just been too bushed to really get out there. Yeah, I know, me? too bushed? I'm not proud of it but it happened. I'll probably get to hang out a little bit tonight or tomorrow night, so that will be nice.

So, I started reading A.W. Tozer's God Tells the Man Who Cares. I'm enjoying it so far as it has been a little while since I read a straight up Christian book. More on this to come.

Well, that's all I've got for today.

Currently Reading... A.W. Tozer's God Tells the Man Who Cares
Currently Listening to... Page France - Come, I'm a Lion!


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