Friday, April 07, 2006

So First Off...

Those of you who do not know of Sufjan Stevens, (pronounced sOOf-yan), are likened to a child that has been beaten all their life. I'll give you your sweet relief, mainly because I feel sorry for you. Those of you who have heard of him are probably double-taking and saying Wha-What!?!?!?! Yes, Sufjan's next state is... Illinois! But wait you say didn't he just do that? Yes, and Illinois rocks too hard to be contained in one album. For those of you in the dark, Sufjan has embarked on the single-most ambitious project that I have ever heard of for any artist. He is attempting to put out an album about every single state in the union! Not only that, but he doesn't exactly scrimp on length like you see a lot of artists do, we're talking a solid 20 tracks per state album. He started this project in 2003, (according to Amazon... I thought it was a bit earlier), with Greetings From Michigan: The Great Lake State. (Note: I'm leaving out a couple of albums he did before Michigan, this is not a complete discography). Then moved on to Seven Swans in 2004, and then Come on Feel the Illinoise in 2005, while taking part in every small various artists compilations that he could in between. There is no artist that I'm more excited with today than him, and I can't even fathom finding another artist that will supersede him as my favorite artist of all time.

Side Note: If I can find an MP3 of whatever I'm listening to each day,(look below), click what it is, and an MP3 will be there for you. Otherwise I'll at least link you to Amazon to see more about whatever it is.

Currently Listening to... Sufjan Stevens - The Avalanche
Currently Reading... Dietrich Bonhoeffer - The Cost of Discipleship


Anonymous Anonymous said...

words are insufficient for this.

6:27 PM  
Blogger Dan said...

I'm so confused, why are they insufficient? Did Sufjan rock your face and or ankles off? I'm worried...

3:27 AM  

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