Monday, April 24, 2006

so close i can taste it...

So I'm really ready to be done with school completely, but I guess that I'll have to wait another 8 months or so for that to actually be the case. I've got one final tonight, which should be a cake-walk, one that is a take home that doesn't seem like it should be too bad, and one on wednesday that I'm not too sure about yet, but shouldn't be too bad. Then the semester comes to a close. I'll head to Grand Rapids with Kurt tentitively on Thursday and spend some time with Rachel, then proceed to good ole' Action Heights. Then I'll get back to GR and see Rachel graduate and get back up to school for summer classes. That's the plan at least.

I'm excited for this summer. Carey and Kurt want to play a little bit this summer and Chris was possibly talking about coming up on the weekends and playing as well, so there will be a veritable cornicoupia of music for this summer. It'll be fun.

I've really been too busy to think lately. I feel like I'm just kinda trying to stay afloat with regards to life in general right now. And it's weird because it's not like I'm frustrated, and I know that I have more than enough time for everyting, I just feel like I'm way to busy to think, if that makes any sense. Hopefully time away from Tech will help to cure that a bit.

The extra-curricular reading has hit a lull as of late, but that's mainly because of school. I hope I'll be able to jump right back into it when I'm done with the semester. I've really enjoyed all of the reading that I've done so far this year, and it has definately been filling a void that I've been having in my life for quite a while.

One of the goals for this summer is really get good at guitar. I'm okay now and I can play most easier songs I come across, but I really want to take on some harder stuff and become good at singing and playing at the same time.

Another thing that I'm going to do this summer is to get healthy. And it'll go a little something like this. First, I'm cutting pop out of the diet. I'm drinking way too many energy drinks than I should. Secondly, get out and run at least three times a week. Third, lift at least three times a week. And fourth, just altogether eat a lot better. I just want to feel healthy again.

Currently listening to... Yeah Yeah Yeah's - Live on All Songs Considered - mp3
Currently Reading... The Cost of Discipleship - Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Thursday, April 13, 2006


I'm selfish when it comes to Holidays. I guess that statement only really makes sense to those of you in relationships though, doesn't it. Now while I think that when you're dating someone with intention of it hopefully leading somewhere, you should probably spend the Holidays together. However, where do you spend them... who's family matters more? Now I know that that is not the real question, but the person not seeing their family will feel that their family is taking a backseat to the other. Now here's where I'm selfish. I don't want to spend the Holidays at anywhere but my family's place, when at all possible. Family is extremely important to mek and I want to spend every Holiday that I can with them. It may suck sometimes just seeing each other before and after just might have to do sometimes.

That said, if it made any sense to any of you, Rachel and I are spending Easter in the Sault. AND I WANT TO BE THERE!!!

Jack Bauer is the last American Hero. I'm seriously starting to think that if we get any more seasons of 24, that he may become known as the greatest American Hero of all time. Kiefer Sutherland is dead to me, only Jack Bauer remains. As evidenced by the new movie, The Sentinal. I would challenge you to find one person going to see that, that will not refer to Jack Bauer's character as Jack Bauer. You want more reasons? Check the facts!

Gnarls Barkley are my heroes...

Currently Listening to... Gnarls Barkley - Crazy
Currently Reading... Dietrich Bonhoeffer - The Cost of Discipleship

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Ahh... nothing like updating the blog a bit to stall from doing all of the papers that I need to write. Really all I wanted was to share a line from the book, "The Life of Pi". I don't know why I've had this line in my head but it's been there for the last two days so I'm putting it here in hopes that it will leave... I'll set the scene for you really quick here. Pi is a child that has joined the Hindu, Christian, and Muslim religions, and at the zoo all of church leaders find him at the same time and argue over how great of a pupil of theirs he is. Realizing that Pi has been attending all these services the church leaders turn to Pi to tell him to choose what he believes...

The pandit spoke first. "Mr. Patel, Piscine's piety is admirable. In these troubled times it's good to see a boy so keen on God. We all agree on that." The imam and the priest nodded. "But he can't be a Hindu, a Christian, and a Muslim. It's impossible. He must choose."

"I don't think it's a crime, but I suppose you're right," Father replied.

The three murmured agreement and looked heavenward, as did Father, whence they felt the decision must come. Mother looked at me.

A silence fell heavily on my shoulders.

"Hmmm, Piscine?" Mother nudged me. "How do you feel about the question?"

"Bapu Gandhi said, 'All religions are true.' I just want to love God," I blurted out, and looked down, red in the face.

Now ignoring the obvious blasphemy of the 'All religions are true' statement, my heart just breaks for the kid. I would hope and pray that anyone who's answer to a question of religion that answered "I just want to love God," would find him. Anyone that strives to know God like that should find him and I know that I shouldn't be concerned about things like that because that desperate kind of love will find God, won't it?

Friday, April 07, 2006

So First Off...

Those of you who do not know of Sufjan Stevens, (pronounced sOOf-yan), are likened to a child that has been beaten all their life. I'll give you your sweet relief, mainly because I feel sorry for you. Those of you who have heard of him are probably double-taking and saying Wha-What!?!?!?! Yes, Sufjan's next state is... Illinois! But wait you say didn't he just do that? Yes, and Illinois rocks too hard to be contained in one album. For those of you in the dark, Sufjan has embarked on the single-most ambitious project that I have ever heard of for any artist. He is attempting to put out an album about every single state in the union! Not only that, but he doesn't exactly scrimp on length like you see a lot of artists do, we're talking a solid 20 tracks per state album. He started this project in 2003, (according to Amazon... I thought it was a bit earlier), with Greetings From Michigan: The Great Lake State. (Note: I'm leaving out a couple of albums he did before Michigan, this is not a complete discography). Then moved on to Seven Swans in 2004, and then Come on Feel the Illinoise in 2005, while taking part in every small various artists compilations that he could in between. There is no artist that I'm more excited with today than him, and I can't even fathom finding another artist that will supersede him as my favorite artist of all time.

Side Note: If I can find an MP3 of whatever I'm listening to each day,(look below), click what it is, and an MP3 will be there for you. Otherwise I'll at least link you to Amazon to see more about whatever it is.

Currently Listening to... Sufjan Stevens - The Avalanche
Currently Reading... Dietrich Bonhoeffer - The Cost of Discipleship

Monday, April 03, 2006

So, I've got this crazy idea

And it's to get myself in some form of shape. I'm sick of being out of shape, or what I consider out of shape. Here's the plan. I have people that I'll lift upper body with on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Tuesday and Thursday I'll go running, more than likely up at the SDC until it finally gets nice out. And everyday, I'll start out with some situps and pushups. It's not that I'm incredibly out of shape, but I'd like to be in better shape, as in the shape that I was in when I was playing sports regularly.

And while I'm at it I should start eating better... problem is dorm food isn't very condusive to that, and I would have no idea what to eat. I don't like any salad dressings that they have and I guess I could have salad without dressing, it just doesn't sound very appetising. What I can do is cut all of the excess sugar in my current diet, i.e. all the energy drinks and candy.

I think that the main drive behind this is to become more disciplined. I'm not very disciplined as of now and I'd really like to see that change. That's one of the most discusting traits that I think that I have. That and the laziness... but they tend to go hand in hand. If I'm spending more than 15 minutes doing nothing at my desk, I shouldn't be in my room. So, I'll try to get out when that situation arises, the only problem with that is that I can't exactly go to another room in my house so to speak.

I finished up Searching for God Knows What. I enjoyed it. I didn't agree with everything that he had to say, but I did agree with his assessment that we need to pay more attention to the poetic aspects of the bible. In other words, we need to stop condensing the bible in to a 4 step plan to getting better, or here is the main points that arise in this passage. Like poetry, much of the bible must simply be taken in and dwelt upon and felt, rather than condensed voiding it of it's meaning. The other point that really struck me from it was when he mentioned who felt the most at home around Jesus. The answer? Prosititutes, adulterors, those of ill-repute, in other words the sinners. Who didn't feel comfortable around Jesus? Hypocrites, mainly spiritual hypocrites. Okay now two more questions. Who feels comfortable around you, if in fact you are a representitive of Christ through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit inside of you? If Christ was ministering today as he was when he lived would you feel comfortable around him? I know that people who are sinners are in fact comfortable around me, does this mean that I'm following the path that Jesus blazed back in the day? I don't think so. Too many times do I still put my faith on hold to "have fun". And in that respect, I wouldn't feel comfortable around Christ were I to run across him on the street tomorrow. Would I truely be able to drop everything and follow him? Leave my planned out life behind me, leave my possessions, leave all that hinders me behind turn and follow him. I don't know. I want to say that I would, but if that were the case why can't I do it now. I know that I could if met him on the street and he asked me to. Why can't I say the same thing in regards to my life right now. I need to refocus and reprioritize myself. I think it needs to be something like this... 1. - 478. God, 479. Everything else.

So I found a new favorite song, and it's a cover of a not altogether well known song. The song is Heartbeats and the man is Mr. Jose Gonzalez. Here's a clip of him performing the song on Conan. I'll also give you the lyrics...

One night to be confused
One night to speed up truth
We had a promise made
Four hands and then away
Both under influence
We had divine scent
To know what to say
Mind is a razor blade

To call for hands from above to lean on
Would that be good enough for me?

One night of magic rush
The start: a simple touch
One night to push and scream
And then relief
Ten days of perfect tunes
The colors red and blue
We had a promise made
We were in love

To call for hands from above to lean on
Would that be good enough for me?

To call for hands from above to lean on
Would that be good enough?

And you
You knew the hand of the devil
And you
Kept us awake with wolves teeth
Sharing different heartbeats in one night

To call for hands from above to lean on
Would that be good enough for me now?

To call for hands from above to lean on
Would that be good enough?

I guess this means that I'm on a mellow song kick. I just love this song. The original is pretty good as well just nowhere near Jose doing it as far as I'm concerned. It's by a band called The Knife. Either way, I love the way sings... very subdued, almost haunting. It makes me think that he is singing about a love that cheated on him. Especially during the bridge where "you knew the hands of the devil" would refer to knowing the devil, another person, in the biblical sense of the word. Then moving to "Kept us awake with wolves teeth" referring to being kept awake because your lover has not yet returned and you're suspicious and ready to bear your teeth. And the chorus calling for help from above because you cannot handle what just happened and wondering if it will do any good to heal the wounds. But that's just my interpretation. Regardless, the song is amazing and I'm going to do my darndest to try and learn to play it.

Currently Reading... Chuck Norris - Against All Odds (Thanks, Kurt!)
Currently Listening to... Jose Gonzalez - Heartbeats